Wednesday, February 2, 2011

To Tucker: A little Hug from God

Hey family :)

So i had a really cool experience today that i wanted to share with all of you!

I was in institute today down here in the great Southern Utah, and we were talkin about how trials and tribulations in each of our lives help to humble us and help us remember that god loves us. Only he knows what we truly need to make us stronger. We talked about when families endure hardships together, they become closer and it is like god has his arms around the whole bunch. He asked why tribulations and family are so closely related and there were comments in the class such as, "family is what helps you get through those tribulations" and "when there is trouble in the family unit, it always snaps us back to reality and what is really important in life". I had this strong feeling that i needed to say something about little Tucker's experiences these last few years so i went ahead and raised my hand. I told of the cancer he had before and the relapse now. I explained what i knew of tucker's experience as well. I told of how our extended family has been through a lot and we always tend to bind together with family prayers and fasts through the many health related problems we have all been faced with. It was a small comment, not much, but he thanked me for sharing.

After class, i was walking to my car, and this guy that stood about 5' 6" tapped my shoulder in the hall and said, "hey, you are the one with the cousin with cancer, right?" I said yes. He said, "well i just felt like i needed to come talk to you because your comment hit home to me." I figured he had a cousin/brother/friend with cancer or something and that my story related to him in that way.

He continued, " I just wanted to tell you that I actually was diagnosed with Leukemia when i was 4 years old. I went through a bone marrow transplant, chemo, radiation and everything. They got rid of it so that was good but similar to your cousin, it came back when i was 10 years old. I had to go through the same process this time again. I am proud to say that i am cancer free now! I wanted to give you hope and tell you that i feel no side affects of my cancer what so ever! I am 24, going to the college of my dreams, have the most beautiful girlfriend in the world, and I'm healthy as a horse! The only result from my cancer is that i am short :)" He grinned with a big smile. "I felt like i needed to tell you that your cousin is going to have a great life, the second time is always easier and I know that everything will work out for him! I wouldn't be the person i am today if i was to never go through that experience!"

With tears in my eyes, i looked up to him and thanked him with all of my heart for that. I was pretty speechless as he said, " it was really nice to meet you, Mindy and tell your cousin to keep his chin up for me!" he shook my hand, turned the corner and headed on his way. I just thought i would share this with you guys... especially Tucker :)

I love you all and i hope all is well with everyone! Please share this with those in the family without facebook!


Love, Mindy .

1 comment:

  1. Read it again and cried again, guess I am emotional today cause I got to see Tucker for the first time since he got sick. Thanks again for sharing Mindy.
