Monday, March 7, 2011

Lets hear it for the Paranoid Doctors…

Lets hear it for the paranoid doctors…
Ok, so it went down like this- 9pm last night Tucker was all cleaned and tucked into bed, Justin was lying in bed reading a book and I was just finishing a movie in the front room. I don’t typically answer my phone after 9pm, but hey this time my phone was ringing and I was thinking it could be a neighbor or somebody from church- so I answered it. It was the doc’s at PCH saying that they confirmed a bacteria growth in tucker’s blood that they took on Thursday (remember last post about the soup and how he spiked a fever right before we left?) and that I needed to bring him right in to get treatments. They said How is he feeling- I said, he’s fine- no fever, no worries, nothing gone wrong since we got home, are you sure this isn’t some mistake? They said no, how far away do you live (ahem, should be shown in the chart that your looking at right?)…. I live in Clinton- just 40 minutes away- they said OK see in 40 minutes. So I fly through the house packing (we had just unpacked) Justin got Tucker up and ready and he helped me as much as he could and he even offered to go in my place. Justin kept saying: Its ok Amber, I can go if you want me to I will go. I told him, I’ve actually caught up on my sleep and actually had a very relaxing Sunday with not much going on- that I’m probably more caught up on my sleep then he was (he had a cold camping scouts trip from Friday to Saturday with Jaired his oldest son and then he work Saturday and Sunday) I said- I’ll go, its fine, but if they keep us any longer than just this night I’ll have you come up and switch out with me. So he helped us pack and load up the car and by 11pm we were back up to the hospital. By midnight the doc had finished checking Tucker in…ugh- so stupid questions like “whats your family history”… “what meds is he on”… I’m like Look Lady, its midnight I’m tired- and quite frankly if you were to go & pull up our file before you bothered to come in our room it would tell you everything you have ever wanted to know about us,I’m sure along with tons of other stuff you didn’t need to know about us like nifty little facts like underwear size and how I take my coffee- so why don’t you go do that, I’m sure its just a page turner, and I bet you might even find a special warning note in there about not giving me water after midnight…. (dun, dun dun…. Movie quote- anybody get it? ). She just said ok did a little exam with Tucker and left.
So fast forward to this morning another doc came in and just said that they have confirmed something growing on his blood- Oh, Come on people! Tell me something I DON’T know! Then she said- hey we want to keep him until tomorrow so we can confirm what bacteria is growing on his blood. She said “is that ok?” I said NO..
I said- wait wait wait wait….. lets THINK about this for a minute. He’s been on a huge amount of antibiotic since we walked in the door- right? Right. He has NOT had ONE FEVER… right? Right. We are already scheduled to come BACK up here tomorrow (Tuesday) for our NORMAL chemo appointment… RIGHT? Right. So you’re telling me you want to keep him up here just to “see” what is growing on his blood even though there is NO MEDICAL REASON to keep us here right now- all of these antibiotics that he’s on he can be sent home with, CORRECT? Correct. An d we live exactly 40 minutes away from here….. so- Ok, then having said ALLLLLLLL that- no its not “ok” if we stay another night. Please go tell the head Oncologist that I want to see them. Then the little doctor said to me “oh I see your point! I think it might be ok if you guys go home today!” I’m like OH MY GOOOOOODNESSSSSSS….. its times like this when I remind myself THEY DO NOT CONTROL MY LIFE- THEY DO NOT CONTROL TUCKER’S LIFE- THERE ARE OPTIONS THERE ARE CHOICES IT DOESN’T ALWAYS HAVE TO GO THERE WAY.
So 10 minutes after that little doc scurried out of here, the head Oncologist showed up and agreed with everything I had to say (what?! They ARE listening to me?!) and sure enough me and Tucker will be headed home in an hour or so.
This is just….so much- honestly we have only been OUT of “jail” now for 2 DAYS!!!
Ok ok, but the important thing is we are going home. I have been on the phone with Justin thought this whole thing and he was cussing a lot (at the doc’s not me) and very upset also because he shares my point of view- he complemented my “claws” and is very happy we are coming home. I love you Justin, thank you for your support. And if you read this before tonight- DINNER IS UP TO YOU….YOUR TURN TO COOK….
LOL j/k
Love you all Amber, Justin & Tucker.


  1. Way to go Amber! Your post reminded me of some of my NICU experiences with my little one. Sometimes these docs need to be reminded they work for the patient and not the other way around. Stay strong and keep being a TIGER MAMA You know whats best for your child. Hugs. Angie

  2. Wow, I am sorry! having to come home just turn around again! so it's like are you going to reimberse me for my gas money? Are you going to write this bill off? Why make me come down here because it is so urgent, but he is ok. Plus, he will be there in two days anyway. Very flustrating.

    Sending you are love, and keeping your family in our prayers.

  3. What a crummy night! Hope things are going better today!
