Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Quick update on Tucker. He has been admitted again- the bacteria that they confirmed is growing is a “nasty” little bug that can cause some serious damage if its not taken care of right away. This bacteria is growing on Tucker’s tubes so they have to go- on Wednesday at 8pm (ugh!) he is scheduled to get his lines removed. He will have a pick line or a hard IV line in until they can confirm that the bacteria is gone and at that point we can have another line put back into Tucker. Tucker will have to stay at the hospital until a new line is put in because all of the antibiotics he is on have to be given through an IV. Tucker is going down today for a CAT scan just to make sure this little bacteria hasn’t nestled anywhere else in his body. This is treatable, it just takes a little while longer to treat then normal infections like strep or something like that.
I will write more tomorrow after I know more.
Justin has taken the night shift and gets a turn on the super (ugh!) comfy (UGH UGH) bed up at the hospital. Thank you Justin. I don’t know what I would do without you.
Love you Justin.

Love you all, Amber


  1. Thinking of you all. Hang tough. Lots of hugs! Angie

  2. My boys go to school at Quest and we just want you to know that Tucker and your family are in our thoughts and prayers!! Give Tucker our best and let him know we are thinking of him :)
